Playing in the wind can be a card wrecker for many golfers but are the changes we need to make to help master it that difficult?
A lot of golfers fall into the trap of trying to muscle their way through the wind but unfortunately this is the worst approach. Why? The key to playing better golf in the wind is the ability to control the spin imparted on the ball. How do we control our spin rate better? Well one of the most contributing factors to how much spin is imparted on the ball is club head speed.

Take the smooth approach
As we have now found out that increasing club head speed isn’t the most efficient way to play our best golf in the wind let’s try firstly by taking a smoother swing and taking some extra club. This will help lower the trajectory and spin rate helping the ball be less affected by the wind and add much more control to your ball flight. Taking the smoother option will also help create a more solid contact also which is key to helping you control your ball. High spin and poor contact are going to really exaggerate the golf shot so getting those right is a real key.
Allowing for your curvature
When playing into the wind your curvature is going to be exaggerated more when playing into the wind or on a cross wind which favours the same direction as your natural shot shape. Don`t try and fight the wind, play with it but make sure you allow extra for your natural shape. Reducing the spin and trajectory is most definitely going to help the ball be much less affected but it will still cause your natural shape to move if playing into the wind or the favouring wind to your shot shape.
Adversely, playing downwind will have the opposite effect on your ball. The wind will reduce the spin and if the flight is too low is will most likely knock the ball down from its flight and land shorter than intended. There is also less need to allow for your side curvature. I would recommend playing more loft and be more committed with your swing speed and send the ball higher.

Pointers to help lower trajectory and spin
- Club up (could be as many as 3 or 4 if the wind is very strong)
- Ball 3 inches further back in your stance
- Grip further down
- 3/4 swing
- Smooth tempo
It’s hard for all levels of golfer playing in the wind so just accepting this for starters is a big help but if you can start to control your golf ball trajectory and learn not to fight with the wind you just may just start to enjoy it.
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